Flock Painting I
Flesh Flock Painting With Strokes
Flock Painting of Women
Large Flock Membrane Painting
Flock Construction
Flock Landscape with Grid
Two Bodies Merging
Circular Flock with Thread
Pink is Flesh
Big Red
Big Blue
Flock Painting I
Flock Painting I

1969, acrylic and flock on canvas, 49 x 61 in

Flesh Flock Painting With Strokes
Flesh Flock Painting With Strokes

1969, acrylic, flock on canvas, 50 x 51 in

Flock Painting of Women
Flock Painting of Women

1969, acrylic and flock on canvas, 48 x 48 in

Large Flock Membrane Painting
Large Flock Membrane Painting

1969, acrylic, flock, spray enamel on canvas, 71 x 71 in, Collection of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.

Flock Construction
Flock Construction

1969, acrylic, enamel, flock, wallpaper, and christmas lights, 84 x 48 in

Flock Landscape with Grid
Flock Landscape with Grid

1969, flock and acrylic on canvas, 42 x 42 in

Two Bodies Merging
Two Bodies Merging

1969, acrylic and flock on canvas, 51 x 60 in

Circular Flock with Thread
Circular Flock with Thread

1969, enamel and acrylic on canvas, 48 x 60 in

Pink is Flesh
Pink is Flesh

1969, flock, acrylic, oil on canvas, 12 x 15 in

Big Red
Big Red

1969, acrylic, enamel, flock on canvas, 72 x 96 in

Big Blue
Big Blue

1969, acrylic, flock, wallpaper, enamel on canvas, 72 x 72 in